Tuesday 1 April 2014

FMP - Testing Myself

So after my Group Crit, Dan suggested to draw to music that effects my mood to test and what I see/feel mentally. By listening to music it usually changes peoples moods (or it does to me) or can be sort of a musical companion when your happy or sad. This test is the closest to something naturally changing moods as drugs could be an option to test mentality but is unsuitable for this project and my health. 

In the first two pages of my experiment I listened to King Krule's album, Six Feet Beneath The Moon which I usually listen to when I'm feeling sad or liberated. 

Here's one of my favourite songs, Easy Easy by King Krule, I usually listen to this one when i'm in a happier mood:

I usually listen to Lead Existence (which is from a different album) when I'm sad or need cheering up:

The first page I drew what I saw in my mind when I listened to the album. The second page I drew a series of closed eyes. Usually when I doodle I draw eyes and I've always had a keen interest in eyes. I felt the need to draw eyes as I feel as though when I listen to King Krule I can be put in some kind of trance and I just imagine close eyes. The bold, jagged sounds of his voice in juxtaposition of his metaphorical lyrics can be tranquilizing when i'm in a feeling sad or indifferent. I also used watercolour as when I paint I find it relaxing and can be a sort of natural sedative.

These watercolours are from what I did while watching a marathon on What Do Artist Do All Day? on Youtube. I was feeling sad when I drew these ones. And again I drew/painted eyes as that's what I naturally doodle and I feel that they usually display how a person feels.

 I will be continuing this the experiment in my A5 sketchbook and may somehow incorporate it into my final piece. Although I have noticed I usually don't feel like drawing when I'm in a happy mood, more so when i'm sad or bored which could be saying something on why/when artist make art. I think i'm going to include that in a questionnaire and see what state of mind art student work best in.

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