Friday 25 April 2014

FMP - Pick Me Up at the Somerset House

Today I went to the Pick Me Up exhibition that is being held at the Somerset House over the next two weeks. I was suggested to visit it by one of my classmates at the beginning of my FMP. I was told the annually exhibition displayed array graphics, illustrations and zines, so I've been waiting for a couple of months to go. I was looking forward to seeing the types of zines on display to get inspiration from for my project. Some of the illustrators that were on display were Julia Pott, Isabel Greenberg, Linda Linko.

Unfortunately I didn't enjoy the exhibition as much as I was hoping to. I felt the exhibition only showed a few illustrators and the rest of the exhibition was more like 'The Affordable Art Fair'. I also went quite early in the morning so there wasn't much visitors there and I felt a bit awkward approaching the stalls as the artist/sellers were glaring at everyone who walked past. 

However it wasn't all doom and gloom as I did get inspired from small  sketchbooks that were being sold on 2 of the stalls. The sketchbooks displayed were about A5 - A6 size with plain cartridge paper and the artist print on the cover. One of the covers was a simple brown card type cover with a simple repetitive outline illustration on it. I think the sketchbook are a good idea to include in my project as it would encourage the viewer to take it create their own art. I could even include a pen or pencil so it could be a sort of starter kit. I then could add one on my artworks to the cover or add a few inside as inspiration and I could add a few encouraging quote throughout the book.

I also started reading 'How to Stay Sane' by Phillipa Perry on my journey. The book has some good points and I can see that the first chapter, 'Self Observation' relates to my project. As i'm a bit on a short time scale I might just skim read the book and see if it's the right book to include in my project. I'm looking forward to the chapters, 'Stress' and 'Exercises' which will hopefully enlighten me a bit more.

Over the weekend i'm still hoping to do what I mentioned at the end of my last post.

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