Thursday 24 April 2014

FMP - Printing and Chatting

Today I finished up on some of my samples then printed and chatted to Darren about my project so far.

I printed my samples as A5 as I thought it was a nice size, that's if it was a book it was easily transportable and could fit nicely in a bag without being to big or heavy. I also personally think that books that are around this size are 'cute' and are more aesthetically pleasing which make you want to pick it up and read it. After printing these out I also noticed I few errors in colours and things which I will edit next week.

Picture of my prints not a great quality photo, I'll try and upload a better one next week.

I also had a quick chat with Darren about my project and he gave me the best advice I've been given for this project so far. I explained that I felt that I had a concept and all this research and artwork but didn't know where I was going with it as I felt my other tutors were kind of steering me off course. Plus I was also worried that my project was more Graphics based than Fashion. But he told me to do what I wanted to do and what I felt was best for me as the my creative work wouldn't show through if do what other people tell me to do. I feel as though this is what I've been thinking for week now but after hearing someone say it, it's give me the extra boost to go forth with it. I also think I work best when I stop worrying about others and just do want I want to do, although I know this won't always be the case in future i.e. in a job. Darren also added that my work would look great as a film which I think is a really good idea and never came to mind.

So overall I've finally decided to make a short film educating about Mental Health and making art as a natural remedy. Alongside the film I will add my original idea of making a a postcard book/book (and maybe stickers or badges) that consists of the film and my artwork. This promotional material will be set alongside the film for viewers to take free of charge to inform them and others about Mental Health and create their own art.

Over the weekend I am going to take more photos of me, make more collages and maybe start some final pages on Photoshop. I am also going to do some research on short films that are relevant to my project.

Next week my aims are to edit the errors I saw in my sample today and urgently search for the text and content I want to include in my final piece. I am also going to play around with Final Cut Pro and other similar software and see how I transform my work into a short film as I've never done it before with just Graphics and text. I'm looking forward to it!

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