Thursday 13 March 2014

FMP - Group Crit

Today I had a Group Crit which kind of helped but has also added more worry on where i'm taking my project.

Here are some suggestions I was given:

  • Draw to music, to note different kind of moods, mental states
  • Look into the scientific side of mental illness
  • Go to museums and and sketch artwork by artist who suffer from MI, see if I see anything notable
  • Think about whether mental illness today is something that is developed by the way we live, what we eat, who we associate ourselves with 
  • Is medicine a quick for mental illness today
I'm going to try all these suggestions and see where it takes me. I'm going to go to the Science museum and the National gallery and see if I can find any other relatable exhibitions that are on. I am also going to create a questionnaire and give art students and non art students to fill out based on art and mental illness to collect data and opinions.

During my Easter break I am also going to take photos and create a archive of thing that I could include in my final product. 

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