Saturday 21 September 2013

Lens Based Media Week

This weeks tasks was ok it wasn't really what I expected. I thought Lens Based Media was mostly photography and film so I was surprised when Tom explained to the class on Monday that animation, sound design and moving image was also categorised under LBM. Which I didn't see as a bad thing as I think if I took this course I would be more interested in the animation side.

Monday - I think that the work I produced this week was satisfactory I wouldn't say I was really happy with it or really disappointed in my work. I felt that Mondays work (image no. 1) was ok but I wasn't really expecting to draw to this extent in LBM I think that's why my drawing isn't that great and I wasn't really motivated to finish it off. I also don't really like drawing on such a big scale, we had to do this task on a A1 piece of paper. I need to learn to on working on bigger scale as it's one of my weak strengths.

Tuesday - I enjoyed Tuesdays lesson the most,  I liked working on a large piece of paper as a group (image no. 3&4) and making up stories. I liked hearing other peoples stories and experiencing different illustration styles. I also enjoyed watching short films and breaking them down to their key narratives. It got me to think of story telling in a detailed sense. I learnt from the lesson that its good to take inspiration from people and place around you and to develop your ideas by incorporating other peoples stories/ideas with yours. I think this is a good skill I have learnt and will definite use it in the future.

Thursday - I didn't really enjoy Thursday's lesson as I felt it was a bit pointless. I didn't really mind the task of creating a story through photographs that was set for our homework but didn't really enjoy more development task of stories (images no. 5). I kind of felt as though we were repeating ourselves from Tuesdays lesson and although it's not bad to recap on things I don't think we need to do the task for the whole day. I liked the layout of my edited story board, (image no. 6) though I think it is good how I edited my stories by adjusting some of my photos by drawing on them and drawing some new scenes in my story board. The only thing I felt I learnt from Thursday's lesson is that discussing your work with other people and taking their opinions on board can help develop your work a lot as you may not see it yourself.

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