Wednesday 18 September 2013

Day 8: Lens Based Media - Illustrations & Storyboards

First today we watched Fridge that was written and produced by Craig Mullen. Tom then discussed the dimension of a story and film, we then watched 40 second films that had the same structure to prove that any good story/film whether short or long has to have a beginning, middle and end.

After lunch we had to go into a group of 4 and draw illustrations on an A1 piece of paper of strange/interesting people we have met in our lives and people/places that make us happy, sad, scared, relaxed ect. I was in group with Marie, Leah and Alice, this is what we came up with: 

Alice's illustrations

Leah's illustrations

Marie's illustrations

My illustrations
After we had finished our drawings we then had  to create stories using different characters and locations from each others work.

When we had created a dozen stories we then had to make a stroy board of 6 scenes on top of our previous illustrations. We chose 'Mirror Worm' which was a weird worm Leah dreamed of that was stuck in a mirror, 'Bank Robber in Venice' was a bank robber whose getaway car was a boat in Venice and 'Latin Teacher in Runied Church', which was Leah's Latin Teacher who was trying to repair a old church with a massive tree inside. Here are our storyboards: 

I liked today work as it showed how easy it is to create a story and that it helps to have a variety of peoples ideas to enhance a story you visioned. I did find it hard to to limit our stories to a few scenes and not add too much detail. I had to focus on making it clear with a problem, outcome and resolution.

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