Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 3: Reflection and Selection

Reflection of Week 1 through images

Day 1:

Prior to day 1 I had to collect 10 objects that reflected my past, present and future to then draw on day 1. The pictures above are some of the objects I collected. Also pictured is my materials and process I used to draw my 10 objects. 

These are the drawings I produced on day 1 using my personal objects. I mainly used fine liners and markers to illustrate my objects. I go into more detail about each object in my blog post, "Day 1: 10 Drawings from my Past, Present and Future". 

Here are the photographs of my time capsule burial. The time capsule was to hold my past and present objects and future aspirations that I can dig up 10 years from now in 2023. I placed all my personal objects and my drawings from day 1 in a weather tight plastic bag and 'buried' it in my attic. I chose to bury my time capsule in my attic as I didn't have a shovel and thought that storing it in the attic would keep it safe from being dug up by mistake or decaying. I also thought if I move house I could just transfer it to the next attic without to much fuss. 

Day 2:

On Day 2 I visited Memory Palace exhibition in the V&A. The exhibition  is based on Hari Kunzru's fictional story that has visualised in installations by 20 graphic designers, illustrators and typographers to create a walk-in book. Pictured above are my exhibition notes, exhibition hand out pages and one of the instalion postcards. I enjoyed the exhibition as it widened my perspective of how many ways there are to illustrate something and how different people illustrate that. My favourite installations we by Luke Pearson, Oded Ezer and Johnny Kelly. You can read more into my time at Memory Palace and the installation enjoyed here.

Also on Day 2 I visited the Making It up: Photographic Fiction display. Here are some of the photos that were on display. This is my blog post on the dispay, "Day 2: Making It Up: Photographic Fictions". I liked the photographs in this display as it reminded me of some of the subjects I covered in History of Art in my A levels like Cindy Sherman ad William Hogarth.

These are photographs from the Book Award Illustration display. I didn't enjoy this display as much as the other displays I say at the V&A that day, I talk about what I didn't enjoy and what I like more here.

After the V&A visit we walked down to the Serpentine Gallery which is located in the Hyde Park. I didn't spend long there as the gallery was closed and when we go there and it was really how that day (28 degrees). This is one of the installations that I was able to see though which was set up right outside of the gallery. Inside the installation is a little cafe and seats for you to sit, you can also walk through it and on it.

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