Saturday 28 September 2013

Day 11: Fashion & Textiles - Magazine Manipulation

Today we had to manipulate magazine models we had to collect prior to the lesson with the our paper samples yesterday. I really enjoyed today as I love magazines and collage making.  Our first task was to just make a new garment for the model using our paper samples and photocopies of yesterdays work.

I thought I'd start with a male model as it's a bit different as most people just swayed towards a female model as they are mostly associated with exaggerated garments. I didn't want to make the male ones to extravagant so I made a spiked cape and and a soft spikes sash. The colour print on the paper was photocopies of the back of my final paper sample from yesterdays class.

This design wasn't inspired from yesterdays class, I just wanted to try something new. I still used photocopies of yesterdays work for the designs though. I like how this design works with the models clothes and sort of flows of the model. I also think the brown paper contrast well with the black and white image. 

After sticking paper designs on the models I decided to expand and start working from the actual image by cutting shapes on the image. I also decided to work on more than one sections of the model and create design for the whole outfit. On this model I added designs to the shoulder, arm, skirt and collar.

After everyone had made a couple of designs we had to display them on the board so the whole class could view them. From this I got inspiration on how to develop my own work for the next task. 

The next task was to start adding illustrations to our designs. For some reason I started adding typography but i'm not sure it really mattered and I thought it worked well with some of my designs. I deiced to used the same female model I used in my previous design as one of my teachers said it was works well to work in  a series. 

This design was just a quick one as I ran out of design. I decided to just experiment with a paper fan and I don't think it turned out too bad. I also decided to cut out my model and stick her on a back background to bring my designs out a bit as they were getting lost on the original backdrop.

In this design I decided to keep the illustration and typography simple as I was using repetition. 

With this one I mixed two tones together and added another colour which was the blue. I added hand drawn typography which said 'two tones' (I didn't mangage to taek a picture of the original) but one of my teaches it made the piece weak so I should try and make it look a bit neater. I couldn't really argue with her as it looked a bit rushed and typography is not my strong point as I covered in my Graphics week! My teacher also said to try and cover the designer logo to make it look like my own design. I tried to change the typography which is shown in the first image but I still thought it looked weak so I decided to scrap the typography and cover it. I think it looks better without the typography.

The last take of the day was to draw several garment designs that was inspired from this lesson. The teachers stated to us that the sketches should be quick and not beautiful drawings. These are my designs:

I've decided to make a necklace piece.

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