Monday 2 September 2013

Induction day

On the induction day we were put in pair and then had to draw our partners hand using any medium. I drew Florence's hand in a blue pencil:

The next task was that everybody in my group had to draw around our partners body on a long brown roll
 of paper and then cut the shape of the body out. These are my groups cut outs:



With the cut out we then had to go around the Uni and corporate the cut out into the surroundings

The last task was to draw the back of my head. We weren't aloud to simply draw the obvious like our hair but we had to draw what we felt with our fingers e.g. the indentations in our skull.

After lunch we then went into the Walker Space to watch Blade Runner.The film was set in a dystopian world where the protagonist a blade runner has to hunt down and terminate 4 human replicants who hijacked a ship and returned to Earth seeking their make.

I found the film to be interesting in a strange way in view of the acting but the concept of the film was intriguing. I liked how the future was imagined to be like in 1982 when the film was made and how it is compared to today's technologies as the film is set in 2019 which is only 6 years away . The films future world is very dark, busy and built up which does not look like a pleasant and healthy place to live. It's easy to believe that future may somehow be similar in the fact that technology may take over humans and take a turn for the worse and transform earth into a grim place. The film also wasn't set in a conventional story line as at the end of the film it made me question if the protagonist was really a hero and if the antagonist was really a villan or a hero. I will make another post going into more detail about the character ect.

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