Saturday 3 May 2014

FMP - Writing text

As said previously I am going to write my own text to put in my book as it's it's more personal and will relate to my message more than a piece of found text. My text piece is influenced by quotes i've been exposed to during this project which I have interpreted in my own way. I have also include some quotes and footnoted them as I like the way they are worded and don't want to change them. I'm going to double check with one of my tutors if that's ok to do in a book. The text is not very long as It's not a reading book, it's more of a visual book and it'd about advising a simple message.

This is what I have written for now:

Illustrated and Written by Shantelle Hyslop

In this day and age being successful can be more acceptable than being sane.
Nothing is more paralysing than not being able to express yourself and having to suffer through everyday life like normal. Why not try expressing those concealed feelings into something creativity?

Shake things up. Your brain gets comfortable in everyday surroundings. You sometimes need to make it uncomfortable. You need to spend some time in a different state of mind. Do something different. Do something CREATIVE. Difference makes the world look new, and when the world looks new, you will feel renewed.

Diverge from everyday life and immerse yourself into something physically creative. For example, play a guitar, handwrite a poem, make a piece of ART. Do something for yourself. Play the music you want to hear, write a book you want to read, make the art you want to see. Just try it. You dont have to be good at it, its just the sense of making something, feeling good about it. CREATIVITY is the CURE.

Dont let yourself or anyone else get you down or say you cant do what you aim to do. The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.[1]

Self-care will save you life.


[1] Carl Sagen
[2] Visual Public Service

The text may be altered but overall that's the main structure.

Also I can't remember if I discussed my title before in another post but if I haven't its 'CREATIVITY is the CURE'. There were other titles I was contemplating like, CREATE a CREATIVE and... All these titles were inspired from text I had read throughout my research and thought the sounded great that I would just include them into a quote in my book but then one day I realised I should probably have a 'title' or 'quote' for my project. So 'CREATIVITY is the CURE' is mine as I believe it indicates my theme in a snappy sentence. I also think it would look great on stickers and hopefully spark a conversation if someone was wearing it. 

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