Friday 2 May 2014

FMP - Recording and Final Collages

Today I started my final collages for my book and recorded myself doing different things. I don't have a printer so I couldn't print my screen shots to add to my collages. I was going to just scan the collages in then add the photos on Photoshop but I decided not to as I prefer the look of the photo looking a bit distorted and stuck to the page. Even if I wanted to scan the collages and add the photos digitally I don't have a A3 scanner and I did try to go to my local library but there was trouble with the computer.

These are the photos I recored of myself today:

And here are some of my collages:

Update: After printing the photos to stick on my collages I decided that I didn't really liked how some of them looked together so I decided to digitally add then distort them on Photoshop.

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