Saturday 10 May 2014

FMP - Title Page, Updating Poster and Sending Book to Print

Today I created my title page, updated my posters, created more dust cover designs and sent my book off to print. 

I wanted to keep my title page simple (as per usual). I had visioned a plain white page with the text in black, so I started with that. Then I thought maybe I should add some of my photographed hands to make it a bit more personal, which I did. Then I finally decided to add a grey box so it looked as though the hands where holding a placard up. With doing this I changed the font to white as it looked better than black and then I decided to just highlight the title and my name in white and everything else in black as it was looking a bit flat.

Just white text
This is the final title page:

Final title page

I updated my posters as well by adding my new found font. I decided to keep the boxes behind the font though as it looked a bit empty without:

I designed a few more dust covers. I didn't experiment with colour because I don't know if I want them to be in colour anymore and also because I could't be bothered but I can easily change them if I want before I printing them. I'm also not sure if I want to laser cut the dust cover anymore but we'll see how I feel about it next week. The first cover is just very simple as I wanted to see how it would look plain. I also thought by keeping it simple would look nice as I you would be able to see more of the linen cover of the book underneath. After I created the first one I decided to add some hands as it would match the title page and match the rest of the recurring hand theme. I'm not sure if I like it as much as my title page but it may grow on me. I also experimented with the placement and colour of the colour. I'm going to get some opinions from other people on what cover they like better.

Finally I sent off my book off to get printed. I changed the size of the book again to 20cmx15cm. I changed the size as I've been thinking about it for a while and thought there was no point of putting all this handwork into these pages and then printing them out to a A6 size so I've scaled up to A5. Before I ordered the book I had to import all my pages into the website software and preview them before sending them off. The book should arrive by within the next 7 working days. 

Abelli online software. Uploading pages and previewing
I still need to do my animation, I'm may do it tonight or tomorrow.

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