Thursday 15 May 2014

FMP - Final Stuff and Last Minuet Errors

Today my aim was to print of my dust cover designs, finish my posters and show Dan my work up to this point.

I printed the dust cover designs onto acetate and in the pictures show the result against different colour backgrounds. I forgot to print the designs on the flip side so the shiny side was showing. It was notable that the printer changed the colours which I was worried about before.

I decided to wait till I got home to see what the colours would look like against the actual book cover. The book cover is a lot more grainy than I was expecting (I will go into detail in the next post). As you can see the acetate still doesn't look so great against the book cover. I finally chose to go with the pink cover and it is evident that the pink does not show clearly on the acetate and the the font is hard to read. So from the result of this observation I've decided to print on the gloss paper in Uni instead for a better result.

Green, blue and black print dust cover against book cover

Pink and black acetate dust cover against book cover
I've decided to use this as my final dust cover as after showing it to Dan he said he liked it and that it was good that it wasn't to busy but still showed my personality through, which I agree with. I also decide to keep the colour pink as I think it will work well with my final posters and is more inviting than black.

My final chosen dust cover which will be printed on gloss paper

I've decided to just use one of my final posters out of the two I deigned as I felt that having two similar posters was too much. However I decided to create a different style poster to go along with my final poster. I wanted to add a tag line to my final poster but didn't want to take away the simplicity of it so I decided to add the tag line to a separate poster. One of my tutors suggested it should be in the style of Barbara Kruger designs, where the text is the main piece.

Barbara Kruger's Posters for Selfrdiges

After talking to Dan aswell he said I should some of my own handwriting to make it personal again. So I hired out a drawing pad to add the last few details.

These are my new poster styles I created. I started with just the text with the white background int the Kurger style. I decided to move the text to the bottom half of the poster as it coincided well with the other poster. I then added some of my own handwriting and decreasing the opacity but found it didn't really fit will me. I felt that without the handwriting it was a bit empty so I decded to take one of my patterns and add it to my background which felt right to me. I feel as thought the pattern still adds a personal touch as I drew them and it's apparent.

These are my final posters:

My next tasks are to:
  • Make final blog post about final book and stickers
  • Print final posters and dust cover
  • Paper work

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