Thursday 8 May 2014

FMP - Adding Text and Final Touches to Pages

Today I added the text to my pages and made a few minor changes. I started the day talking to Dan about my pages, stickers and font. He suggested that I handwrite my text whether by hand or via the drawing the tab. I tried both, the text written by hand didn't work as the scanner wasn't scanning into  high resolution so it was really pixelated. So I decided to try the drawing tab. At first I didn't think it was going to work as it was hard to keep all the letters at the same time and was very time consuming seeing as I wanted to finish my pages by tomorrow. So I decided to look for other font on photoshop as a substitute. There wasn't much choice and the one I did find was really amateur looking so I tried Times New Roman and like the cleanness of it but it seemed a bit impersonal.

These are examples of my different font on one of my pages:

Top: Times New Roman, Middle: Chalkster, Bottom: My handwriting

Me and Dan mutually agree that my handwriting and the Times New Roman looked the best. I liked how the Times New Roman look clean on the right hand side but didn't know how to incorporate my handwriting at the same time. I thought of handwriting key words but Dan suggested adding my handwriting in the background and try overlaying and playing with the opacity. 

This is the result of the first page:

So after finalising my font I decided to carry on with the rest of the pages. I then realised I needed to choose which pages I wanted to include and what order the were going to go in. At first I thought I would just order them by having the solid colour pages every other (if that makes sense!) but then I decided to set them in colour coordination, so I started with the purple ad ended with green.

This is the order:

I decided to subtract the other pages as some of them I wasn't keen on the imagery or I felt where a bit empty and didn't fit in with my other pages. I managed to finish all my pages in class but will order them to print tomorrow so I look out for any mistakes tomorrow with a fresh mind.

I also showed Dan my sticker idea he felt as thought the solid colour on the right needed something but I prefer how it plain as I don't want it to be too bust that you can't read the text. We both agreed that the font was a bit uninspiring. He suggested adding my handwriting but I wasn't too keen after trying out my handwriting before. Nonetheless I did try it and it didn't look too bad but the pen strokes were too thin and it wasn't very clear. 

This is the my handwritten one, which I also include the Times New Roman:

I then decided to go on the hunt for some handwritten font on I found one I liked and that I thought was kind of similar to my own handwriting which was called, 'Supernova'. I then downloaded the font into Photoshop  which I was surprised worked as you normally have to pay for them and experimented with my stickers.

This was the result:

I really liked how it looked as it looked my cleaner than my handwriting. I did feel as though the it was a bit small so I tweaked it a bit on Photoshop.

And here are my final stickers!:

Also to mention the change of the sticker shapes (round to square). I didn't realise that the round stickers were more expensive and larger so I had to settle for these square ones, which I don't mind I think they look just as nice. 

I'm hoping that the black font on the blue/purple is clear as on the computer they are not as clear, thats my only worry but overall I am really pleased. I sent them to print today and they are estimated to be delivered on the 21st May which hopefully they will come before that as my assessment is 2 day after that, tight schedule!

Over the weekend I'm hoping to:
  • update my posters with this the 'Supernova' font so the match my sticker
  • create a title page
  • create more and choose final dust jacket
  • start animation

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