Monday 21 October 2013

Reflective Summary

Overall I have really enjoyed these past six week. I have made new friends and I feel I have learnt a number of new things that I will use in the future. I have also recapped on certain things (like drawing) I did not actually think I would be doing on this Design and Media Foundation but I am glad that I did as I would have missed doing them. I feel that I have gained familiarity on the different career paths I could choose for each skill and how I can apply certain skill to future projects and jobs. Plus I have really appreciated incorpating recyclable materials in my work over the weeks as it is something I am keen about and think it is the way forward in design. I will finish this unit by choosing one of my favourite works from each week and summarising the week.

Graphics - I really enjoyed Graphics as I have always enjoyed Graphics as a whole. My favourite day was the first day where we got to do experimental drawings. It was really fun and got the class to break the glass we each other. In this week I learned that I like experimenting with ideas and work. I also learnt that typography is my weak skill in Graphics and that week has helped me to reflect on this for future reference.

Lens Based Media - In Lens Based Media I enjoyed analysing and reducing film storyboards to show what the key element a good story need how long or short. I also enjoyed the illustration side and creating a story by combining my illustrations with other peoples illustrations. This week showed me that having a variety of characters, locations and stories and mixing them together really helps to develop ideas. This is something I will also use in the future.

Fashion & Textiles - In Fashion & Textiles my favorite day was the second day where we made paper manipulations. This day made me discover what direction in my future degree and career I really want to take as I am really interested in the visual communication side of fashion and didn't think Graphics was 100% the right choice fore me. I loved creating new designs solely by tearing and cutting into the paper.

3D - In the 3D week I really liked making the seat. I loved the mathematical side of having to measure and count my parts to construct a flat pack product, which was surprising. I have always enjoyed organising and calculating things and I definitely noticed these skill when I made my chair, spaghetti holder and the bridge. In the 3D week I have also identified the power of photography and using miniature models to emphasise my work. I will definitely buy some of these model and try and incorporate them in future work as I love the effect it gives my work. In this week I have learnt that team work is key to getting a great outcome and that work can be developed from literally anything if you want it to.

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