Thursday 10 October 2013

Day 15: 3D - Bridge Prototype

The first task of the day was to to make paper bridge prototypes. These prototypes were supposed to be part of our sketchbook and could illustrate any form of shape.

Shadowing and model help exaggerate my bridge

Sue suggested tearing one of the cut out strands and weaving it underneath which could create a pedestrian pathways, which I thought was a good idea.

On this prototype I decorative to have half decorative and the half piratical

These are some quick ones I did at the end of the class but didn't have time to photography them properly

1 comment:

  1. Group Crit: Your blog is really interesting to look at; I love the way you have laid everything out. I also enjoyed the way that you have explained and backed up with a lot of images which keeps me engaged. The background and title is also quite nice to see that you have made your blog your own. However, I would try comment a bit more on each image just to back up the work you have done. Why not try explaining how you feel about the image you created or why you set it up to look like it did?
