Sunday 13 October 2013

3D Week

Overall I found this 3D week to be ok. I enjoyed parts of this week and other parts I found a bit boring but I have learnt new things and it's great to gain knowledge in every part of art and design. I think most of the structures I built were fit for their purpose but I could of spent more time on their aesthetics. Although I don't think my designs were unattractive I think I could have been more daring in designs. I think practicality overruled in my thoughts raver than their looks.

Monday - I found Monday the best day of the week as I enjoyed the majority of the days task. The first task of the day was experimental drawings (image no.1). I really enjoyed this drawing task as I love experimental drawings and I believe it really broadens your way of thinking and developing ideas. I felt that all the drawings I drew were a success. The next task of the day was to create a bottle holder that would hold up Geoff's water bottle (image no.2). I found this task a bit tedious as the scale of the holder was a bit small and working with paper can be a bit difficult sometimes. My structure was kind of a success as it did hold up the water bottle while being squished. If I had to do this task again I would probably make measurements so the structure was more aligned but I couldn't do this in Monday's lesson as we didn't get much time. I probably would of also spent more time taking care of sticking the pieces together to make it look a bit neater. The last task of the day was to make a 'seat' (image no.3). I thought this task was a success and I also really enjoyed this task. I made sure for this task that I planned and made measurements for my design as I wanted it to look more aesthetically pleasing than the my last structure. My design didn't work as I couldn't sit on it with out it collapsing but did work as a good foot rest. I believe it didn't work because the seat section was to small to hold a heavy weight. I think next time to improve it, I would need to install a larger seat section and some extra support underneath to make it more sturdy.

Tuesday - I found Tuesday's lesson to be the less eventful day of the week. We had to build spaghetti holders to hold three balls (image no.4) and then build an exterior (for it to protect it from the weight of a a basketball). Personally I found the spaghetti tasks a bit prolonged. My overall structure worked although it was a bit simple and conventional compared to other peoples design in my class. The exterior protector of the spaghetti structure was also at success at first because it with held the first bounce of the basketball but it crashed on the second bounce. It was a surprise to me that my structure held the basketball bounce because I didn't really think anyone's structure would last due to the physics of a basketball and gravity having a greater strength than stands of spaghetti. Next time I think I would make my spaghetti design a bit more interesting and daring as I felt my overal structure looked a bit boring.

Thursday - Thursday's tasks were based around bridges and the concept of intresting designs that are also practical. The first task was to make paper bridge prototypes (image no. 5). I didn't mind this task but I had a bit of a creative block so only managed to make a couple that were not the interesting.  However, I did really enjoy taking photographs with the miniature models and creating shadowing. Throughout the whole week I have enjoyed photographing my structures with these little models and using lighting as I really like the shadowing effect and the emphasis it gives my structures. The last big task of the week was to build a bridge that would hold the weight of a radio car but also be tall enough to sail a boat (table) underneath it. I liked this task as we got to work in a team and working in teams is always enjoyable. I felt that our bridge was the least aesthetically pleasing but was the most sturdious and practical. I think if we had more time we should have thought about the design of our bridge a bit more but overall I think it was a success. 

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