Monday 7 October 2013

Day 13: 3D - Experimental Drawings

To start off today we had to produce a variety of experimental drawings. The drawings were to help us think of new ways to draw and develop ideas. This task was done on A1 paper using a variety of mediums.

Draw the number house you live at and produce a bus shelter from it

Create a phone

Draw the design of the bottom of your shoe and make a jewellery piece from it. I was wearing converses and I designed a necklace.

Draw a circle, triangle and a square, then draw a car.

Draw a squiggly line, then produce a seat for two people and a cat.

Draw your favourite fruit, then design a rabbit hutch. My favourite fruit are mangos. I included a water drinking station, a bedroom area and a sun bathing area.

Draw two identical shapes and develop them into shoes. 
Draw 4 random lines and then design a blueprint of a shopping centre

Draw your favourite clothing item, then change it into a lamp shade.

Plot 10 dots and join them up to create a 2 bedroom house with a hallway, bathroom and kitchen.

Draw a figure and change them into you favourite animal. My favourite animal was a panda (eating bamboo) but it looks more like a teddy bear smoking a cigarette. 

I really enjoyed this tasking as I love doing experimental drawings. My favourite drawing was the squiggly line chair, the rabbit hutch and the shoes. It really helps and surprises me what your outcome can become. I also think it broadens your way of thinking.

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