Friday 10 January 2014

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction (Wednesday)

In Wednesday's day we had to create collage muses. I had to photocopy some of patterned from the garments I brought in Tuesdays lessons and then create new collaged designs using magazine tears. At first I didn't really understand the task properly so my first to collages are mostly magazine tears but I soon understood that I had to use mainly use my photocopied patterns.

Here are the ones that mainly include my patterns:

The dress on this is 3D

I added a male model as my designs have masculine tailored garments with a relaxed side.

This design is very fragmented as  I liked these different colours and details together. It was a bit rushed as I made it near the end of the lesson but I might draw a outline of a collared dress onto of the pattern to illustrate the outfit a bit more

I enjoyed this day the most out of the week as it is more down my interest. On some of my collages I added pen, paint and tape as I wanted to make them look like they could be in a high street style magazine/zine e.g. Asos, Topshop, Company. I'm going to develop these collages more on Photoshop by adding text and playing around with some of the colours. 

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