Friday 31 January 2014

Sportswear - Sketchbook

Here's some development I have done in my sketchbook. I also had a go on the laser cutter again which you can see in the last to images.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Sportswear Planning

Today I have started planning what I will be doing within this Sportswear project. These are more concept boards:

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Sportswear - Research Photos

Today I went around Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Circus and Caraby Street to get research and inspiration for the beginning of this sportswear project. I went into shops like Puma, Size? and Nike Town. I also snapped some street style in Caranby street.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction - Photoshoot

These are my a few of my unedited photos. The shoot came out better than I planned as I was a bit nervous about doing a photo shoot. I've never done one and not the most confident person when it come to leading and giving directions. I wouldn't say I'd like to do it again on my own but I wouldn't mind being part of a team (with the role of the set designer or stylist).

Friday 17 January 2014

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction - Muse Collages (Final)

 These are my final Photoshoped collages. I created two editorial covers for Topshop Zine as I though the colleges aspect and light hearted perspect suits the magazine. I know the Topshop magazine does not feature men clothing or have a Topman magazine/zine but I thought that this would be the sort of cover they may have.

Topshop Zine advert

My covers could also be developed into the store window like Topshop did for their Zine.

Decontruction/Recontruction - Final Garment

This week I started making my garment. I wanted the front to look simplistic in style and colour but wanted the back of the garment to look more busy. I kept the colour scheme of white, cream and blues. I am pleased with my other all garment and think it turned out better than I expected seeing as I'm not a design student and haven't done this degree of making since GCSE.

Here's some planning I did in my sketchbook throughout the week.

Friday 10 January 2014

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction - Development of Muse Collages

As I'm not 100% enjoying the design side of this project I decided to develop my muse collage's on Photoshop. This way I am not losing out on portfolio work as I don't think I will be putting some of the my design work in my portfolio.

So far I have just made a few mock ups in my sketchbook by photocopying some of my collages. I think I'm going to add text and some more colour and scribbles ect. When I finish them on Photoshop I will load them up on the blog.

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction - A1 Mounts

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction (Thursday)

In Thursday's lesson we had to develop all the work we had done for the past to days and start planning our final designs. 

I think the first design is going to be my final out come which is going to be a reconstructed shirt/ jumper. I didn't enjoy this day as I really don't like designing clothes like this. Next week I have to start making my garment and then photographing it.

Deconstruction/ Reconstruction (Wednesday)

In Wednesday's day we had to create collage muses. I had to photocopy some of patterned from the garments I brought in Tuesdays lessons and then create new collaged designs using magazine tears. At first I didn't really understand the task properly so my first to collages are mostly magazine tears but I soon understood that I had to use mainly use my photocopied patterns.

Here are the ones that mainly include my patterns:

The dress on this is 3D

I added a male model as my designs have masculine tailored garments with a relaxed side.

This design is very fragmented as  I liked these different colours and details together. It was a bit rushed as I made it near the end of the lesson but I might draw a outline of a collared dress onto of the pattern to illustrate the outfit a bit more

I enjoyed this day the most out of the week as it is more down my interest. On some of my collages I added pen, paint and tape as I wanted to make them look like they could be in a high street style magazine/zine e.g. Asos, Topshop, Company. I'm going to develop these collages more on Photoshop by adding text and playing around with some of the colours. 

Deconstruction/Reconstruction (Tuesday)

This weeks project is based on Deconstruction and Reconstruction. Prior to the lesson we had to collect a variety of  clothing to work with for the next couple of weeks. The clothing I chose are mostly shirts and knitwear as I really like the tailored look that is relaxed with baggy knitwear.

In Tuesday's lesson I had to style a few outfits with the clothing I had brought in.

I then had to deconstruct my garments and reconstruct them into new pieces of clothing.

After that I focused on some of the detailing and made a few quick sketches that I could develop and include later on in my final piece.

Overall I didn't really enjoy this day as I'm not into Fashion Design especially reconstruction as I am more of a Fashion Promotion student. I'm trying to put all my effort into it although it is hard when I really don't find it interesting.  I think I would prefer it I was able to just use one deconstructed garment with new fabric as I could make it more aesthetically pleasing whereas I think this work looks a bit shabby.