Monday 24 February 2014

Trends - The Unorthodox (Final Pages)

These are our final pages which have been tweaked a bit since the last post and Bella also added her Journalist text which is really impressive and interesting. I really think she captured our trend and our models interest well in her writing.

Overall I am really happy with our pages, I really enjoyed working with everyone in my group and would definitely would choose the same people if we had to create this trend again. There's not much I would change or wasn't happy about within the project. The only thing I would probably change  would be the main image on the last page to the black and white one but that's not a big deal.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Trends - Final Layout and Trend Name: The Unorthodox

These are the almost final layouts, the text needs to be added by Bella and a few thinks might be tweaked but this is the overall look. The last two pages were inspired by the ID magazine layouts. 

We have also FINALLY named our trend after 3 weeks! It was a toss up between Babes in Stamford and The Unorthodox. We chose The Unorthodox as  it plays with Jewish Orthodox and the definition of Unorthodox is the contrary to what is usual which is what we are trying to portray in our trend. We also got the Orthodox idea from a editorial we were shown earlier in the project which was called Black Orthodox based on Black Orthodox Jews. The editorial was photographed by Wayne Lawrence

Trends - Shoot Final Photos

These are some of the final photos we are are going to be used for our editorial. They've been edited by Flavia but some of them still need to be cropped. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Trends - Shoot (Behind the Scenes)

These are some of the photos from behind the scenes. We started by all meeting at Khiran's house and getting the make up, hair and styling done. Then we set off on the bus to Stamford Hill when it started pouring down with rain but after dry off by one of location we began the shoot. The shoot went great we manged to go to three locations despite the heavy downfall of rain! I will post some of the final photo's in the next post.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Trends - Layout Plans (continued)

Today I started planning some potential layouts for our editorial to show to my group. So far I've produced 4 and i'm going to ask for some feedback from my group on what they like and what they may want to change. I was thinking of having a simple white background, grey map and black font to keep it simple in contrast to our photo shoot. However I know Flavia from my group was looking at the Lolita online Zine and liked the colourful patterned background placed behind a grey scale photo shoot. So i'm going to contact my group now to see what they think. 

Lolita Zine - Centre image Inspiration

Friday 14 February 2014

Trends - Layout plans

In this project I have been assigned the Graphic Designer. In today's lesson I was just doing some magazine layout research and started sketching some potential layouts. We want our page to include our trend name, photo shoot, detail shots, outfit details, a map of Stamford Hill, info on trend and an interview of a local trend settter.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Trends - Location Report

Our chosen trend location is Stamford Hill. It is a prominently Orthodox Jewish area in North London. We think this area would work as it is underrated area in London that could be developed into a trendy place. The people who are part of our trend dress with influences from their local Jewish residents e.g. tailored clothing.

Magazine snippet on what the local people could look like
Photos  and notes from Stamford Hill 

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Trends - Research and Moodboards

This project has been based on trends. I am in a group of five and we have to create a new trend. Our trend is based on Feminism and Judaism and is going to be located in Stamford Hill. Here is some brainstorms we did as a group and some individual moodboards. 

We haven't decided on a name for our trend but the trend is targeted at male and females of any age. We wanted it to be a open trend as being a feminist has no limitation. The style of the people would be a tailored look inspired from the Orthodox Jewish clothing. The local food  for our people are going to be cafes,deli's and wine houses as Orthodox Jew are know for cooking chicken soups and breaded food e.g. bagels and also known for their wine. As well as the cafes, delis and wine houses the local hangouts for our people would be on the streets. These street parties would hold literature, music and arts performances and would create a community feel. 

Feminism Research